Come see some of the ongoing work in our lab at the Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting in Long Beach, CA! Click the links to download our posters.
Abbott, Angele, Ahn, & Rayner (Friday Noon-1:30, Poster 2134). Skipping Syntactically Illegal “The” Previews—The Role of Predictability.
Plummer, Abbott, & Rayner (Friday Noon-1:30, Poster 2132). Predicting Individual Differences in the Perceptual Span and Eye Movement Behavior During Reading.
Bélanger, Schotter, & Rayner (Saturday Noon-1:30, Poster 4180). Young Deaf Readers’ Word Processing Efficiency.
Schotter (Saturday 2:10-2:25, “Reading” Spoken Session). Toward a New Theory of Reading: Independent and Joint Effects of Context, Parafoveal Preview, and Foveal Information